Sad News:Car crashes into geyser in Yellowstone Park, five passengers survive

Five passengers who had to flee from a car that collided with a geyser on Thursday allsurvived, according to officials in Yellowstone National Park, even though they had to practically jump into boiling water. A sport-utility vehicle was traveling between Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Junction when it veered off the road on Thursday at around 10:40 a.m. and into the Semi-Centennial Geyser, which is close to Roaring Mountain.The five occupants of the car, according to park officials, were able to safely exit the submerged vehicle; however, they were all taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance, where they were given the classification of “non-life-threatening injuries.” It took park workers till Friday to get the automobile from the geyser. The estimated nine feet of water had engulfed the car almost completely. While workers dragged the automobile out of Semi-Centennial Geyser, park personnel temporarily blocked off the roads, including both lanes of traffic near the geyser. The water from the geyser is acidic and varies in temperature from 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The car had to be extracted from the geyser for around two hours, according to park officials. The Dive Team from U.S. Water Rescue assisted withInvestigations into the incident are still ongoing. The term Semi-Centennial Geyser comes from the area around Clearwater Springs, which was active in 1918. As per T. Scott Ryan’s “The Geysers of Yellowstone Park,” the geyser, also known as the “thermal feature,” was found in 1922, which coincided with the 50th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park. When it was discovered in 1922, its eruptions could shoot water up to 75 feet in the air. Although there haven’t been any eruptions since then, the guide mentions “intermittent bubbling.” The deep lake in the crater is probably caused by the neighboring Obsidian Creek flowing into it, which dampens the geothermal activity.


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