July 2, 2024

Brendan Rodgers today confirmed that Daizen Maeda was injured in the tackle that saw him sent off against Atletico Madrid and will now be out for six weeks, thus joining his fellow countryman Reo Hatate on the treatment table at Lennoxtown

Speaking to Sky Sports today ahead of Sunday’s match against Aberdeen at Celtic Park, Brendan Rodgers broke the bad news with the injury blow compounding the sense of injustice at the referee’s Var ‘assisted’ decision to send off the Japan international winger.

“As a result of the challenge he gets sent off for, it looks like he’s sprained his medial knee ligament so will be out for up to six weeks which isn’t great,” the Celtic manager said.

And at his media conference at Lennoxtown Brendan Rodgers added: “Maeda will be out for six weeks with the injury sustained in the challenge. He has strained his medial ligament in the knee which comes from when you just knock a player on the foot.

“If he goes in stronger in the challenge he probably wouldn’t have had the injury. It was just a clash of feet but he has strained his knee ligaments and it is a big shame for us because he has been brilliant since I came in.”

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