July 7, 2024

It was a jarring sight this week at Centura Health Training Center — the sight of the Buffalo Bills logo on the Denver Broncos’ practice field.

But to Broncos coach Sean Payton, the depiction of a Buffalo Bills logo on the 50-yard lines was no big deal.

“It’s funny — I’ve done that for years,” Payton said. “And it was always to acclimate our players. We used to do it all the time in New Orleans, and our equipment guys had it down pat. It’s all computer-generated.”

Of course, there’s only so much that Payton can do to acclimate his players for the situation and expected blustery conditions they’ll face Monday at Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, N.Y.

“And if I could have made it 48 degrees with a 10-mile-an-hour wind, I would have done that, too,” Payton said.

“It (the Bills logo) is strictly just — we’re going on the road. And we’ve done that forever.”

But what is different for Payton is fielding questions from curious.

Of course, there’s only so much that Payton can do to acclimate his players for the situation and expected blustery conditions they’ll face Monday at Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, N.Y.

“And if I could have made it 48 degrees with a 10-mile-an-hour wind, I would have done that, too,” Payton said.

“It (the Bills logo) is strictly just — we’re going on the road. And we’ve done that forever.”

But what is different for Payton is fielding questions from curious Denver-area media about the logo.

“Now, in New Orleans, I don’t think I was ever asked by [media], but you guys are on top of it,” Payton said.

“It’s nothing to do with the opponent. It’s more of us getting the mindset that, ‘This is the logo; we’re at the field trying to simulate. We started doing that. And when you start building something, everyone wants to help. And so, the field guys — who do a great job here — it’s kind of like … they want to help. And so, a lot of it has to do with getting prepared to play on the road.”

And this will continue. Thus, that means over the next eight weeks, you can expect to see logos of the Houston Texans, Los Angeles Chargers, Detroit Lions and … yes, the Las Vegas Raiders on the practice fields at Centura Health Training Center.

“So, you’ll see it the rest of the time I’m here anytime we’re playing an away game,” Payton said. “And then we don’t have to answer any more questions; it’ll just be the logo.”

So, why not before?

“I hadn’t gotten to it yet. It’s a good question!” Payton said. “That’s the question. It’s like, ‘We always used to do this, let’s do it.’ I had forgotten.

“That’s the truth, too. We had never gotten to it.”

Now, he has. And on a team dotted with ex-New Orleans players and coaches, now there’s another element of his time with the Saints making its presence known.

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