July 8, 2024

‘Where’s Trey Lance!?’ Skip Bayless – Fake Dallas Cowboys Fan – Exposed as NFL Idiot

FRISCO – We’re not going to chide the hundreds … thousands … millions!? … of Dallas Cowboys fans who at some point over the course of NFL Week 10’s Dallas blowout of the pitiful New York Giants urged “America’s Team” to put into the game third-string quarterback Trey Lance …

Even though doing so would’ve been against NFL rules.

No, we don’t expect every fan to be aware of that. But “SuperFan” Skip Bayless, who gets paid $7 million annually to “cover” the Cowboys team he bogusly claims as “his”?

Yes, Bayless, the soulless the Fox Sports 1 shock-jock contrarian, should understand a fairly basic bylaw. And the fact that he doesn’t is yet another slice of evidence that this “football expert” is nothing but a conman.


“This,” Bayless wrote at some point during Dallas’ 49-17 win, “would be a good spot for Trey Lance to get some snaps.”

No, Skip. It wouldn’t be. Because it couldn’t be. Lance – the former third-overall pick in the NFL Draft who came to Dallas from the 49ers in an August trade – was once again designed as the third-string quarterback and was “inactive.” And thus, as the NFL’s rules allow a third quarterback to dress on Sundays but only play in case of injury emergencies to the other suited-up quarterbacks, he literally was ineligible to play.

So, when the Cowboys decided to call off the dogs and sit Dak Prescott after a record-setting day for the Dallas offense, it was backup quarterback Cooper Rush who was called upon to handle mop-up duty and to get some needed reps.

Yes, “needed.” … because if Dak ever goes down, it’ll be Rush at QB, and he’ll be asked to successfully bus-drive a Cowboys team that is now 6-3. And that is a fact, no matter how much fans – including the casual ones and like Bayless, the fake ones – want to see Lance.

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