July 2, 2024

Blues manager Kieran McKenna is ecstatic that his coaching staff has reached new contracts with the organisation that will last until the summer of 2027.

McKenna himself penned a new contract in June and now his assistant Martyn Pert, first-team coach Lee Grant, head of goalkeeping Rene Gilmartin and head of analysis Charlie Turnbull have also agreed new extended terms.

“Certainly, it’s nice to get that confirmed,” McKenna said. “It’s been in the offing since the summer, but delighted for that to be signed and secured this week because they’re very, very important people to myself and to the football club.

“The four coaches who we’re speaking about have had a massive impact on the players here on an individual level and I know the players have paid testament to that themselves, to the improvement of individuals, which ultimately leads to an improvement to the team.

“So, all very good people, hard-working people, good values and all very highly-skilled in their roles and all doing an excellent job.


And also, really importantly, continuing to get better. Martyn is one with great experience but a fantastic attitude for learning and is always improving. Lee, Rene and Charlie are on the younger end of the scale but all got fantastic potential and are already performing their roles very, very well but continuing to get better all the time as well.

“So, very good for the club to have secured their futures as well and it’s great for me as a manager to have that support.


“As I’ve said, there are a great number of people below them as well and they support me very well, but they’re supported by many good staff from many different departments who are all working really hard every day to push this club in the right direction.

“I’m very grateful to them and I know they’re also very grateful to the players and the excellent staff we have in the other departments who are helping them do their roles.”


McKenna says having continuity and stability will play a big role in achieving what he’s aiming for at Town.

“I think it’s very important,” he said. “You can see that sometimes in teams that get promoted, those who have good continuity and consistency and continue doing as many of the things that did this season before well can very often tend to start better.

“Of course, we’ve done so, but Plymouth have had a good start as well, and there are lots of examples of it.

“Having that consistency in how we work is really, really important. Having consistency in the playing group has been important for us.

“But on the other hand, we have to keep trying to get better and that’s what I mentioned about the coaching staff. One really good thing about lots of the staff here, but also the four coaches who we’ve mentioned, is they’re always trying to get better as well.

“Whether it’s Martyn who’s more experienced or the others who are earlier in their coaching careers, they’re always seeking to get better, improve, improve how we train, improve how we communicate with the players, improve how we use analysis, improve how we use the physical conditioning.

“So it’s a balance between, in all aspects of the football club, being consistent and stable with what’s worked well but also looking to improve in every area as we can across the board, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

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