July 8, 2024

As we gear up for another exciting Monday Night Football matchup, questions loom over the quarterback situation for the Seattle Seahawks and the Philadelphia Eagles. The Seahawks are dealing with Geno Smith‘s groin injury. Meanwhile, the Eagles face uncertainty as Jalen Hurts battles flu symptoms.

The situation is reminiscent of the recent plight of the Dallas Cowboys, whose performance was notably impacted after the flu swept through their locker room. This raises concerns about whether we can expect a solid performance from Hurts tonight.

Despite these challenges, optimism remains higher for Hurts. Playing through flu-like symptoms, especially during the winter flu and cold season, is expected in the NFL. Early detection and treatment are essential. With access to three physicians and five athletic trainers, Hurts has received comprehensive treatment, including IVs, to ensure he’s game-ready. Given that it’s Week 15, it’s understood that no player is at 100%. With Hurts’s knee not being a current concern, he should be expected to play through.

Smith’s situation, however, is more complex. Despite some positive signs midweek and limited practice participation, his groin injury poses a significant challenge. As a mobile quarterback, a groin injury severely limits his ability to perform essential movements like dropping back efficiently. Thus, his ability to play effectively tonight remains in doubt.

As the game approaches, both teams face critical decisions regarding their quarterbacks. The outcome of this game could hinge on how well each team manages and adapts to these health challenges.

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