July 2, 2024

A two-week gap for the international break has allowed for a prolonged spell on the pitches at Middlewood Road, and Smith says they have spent the time productively.

The 31-year-old said: “It was important to get the result at Leeds and have the next two weeks to build on that.

“It was big to get the first point on the board, as a group we felt unlucky to not have already done that.

“Training has been good and we had a couple of days off over the weekend to reset and go again.”

Ipswich have started their Championship campaign strong and sit in second place, but focus is very much on earning our first three points of the season against the Tractor Boys.

Smith added: “Every game in the Championship is tough, especially against a team who’ve started as well as they have.

“They’ve kept the core group that got them promoted last season and they play some nice football and it will be a tough test, but one we are ready for.

“Draws aren’t going to help us, we need to turn them into wins, the Ipswich game will be tough but we’ll be aiming to take three points.

“It’s about being more clinical, last season you might get four, five, six chances in a game, but in the Championship you’ll get more like one, two or three.

So, when the chances present themselves, it’s about taking them.”

With three of our next four games at home, the Wallsend product highlighted the role the crowd will play at Hillsborough for the team, having utilised the S6 atmosphere on many an occasion last season.

He added: “We used the crowd a lot last season and we were very proud of our home record.

“We rarely lost last season and we used the crowd to our advantage and they’re going to be huge for us in the next three or four games at home.”

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