July 7, 2024

It’s not just the scoring punch that makes Portis so valuable for Milwaukee, though. According to head coach Adrain Griffin, the hard work Portis puts in every single night is what makes him such an important member of the squad: “He’s a grinder,” Griffin said, via Gabe Stolts of Brew Hoop. “He works extremely hard. I think his work on the [offensive] boards over the last couple of games has really won games for us where he’s given us second-chance opportunities. Obviously, he can score the ball. But he’s willing to do the hard work, too. He’s playing defense. He’s sprinting back. He’s aggressive in his pick-and-roll coverages. He’s defensive, rebounding the ball. And he’s on the o-boards again. He’s doing it all.

“I’m trying to find ways to reward him sometimes coming out of [time outs] because we work him so hard. But that’s on Bobby, man. He just ignites our team with his hustle. .. Having Bobby come off the bench leading that second unit has just been invaluable for us.” Bobby Portis is a hard worker in every sense of the word. He’s taken an unconventional path to reach the heights he has today, and while he’s no star, I can guarantee you that every single member of the team will have nothing but high praise for Bobby Buckets.

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