July 2, 2024

Those who loathed the Boston Red Sox’s thrifty approach during Chaim Bloom’s tenure shouldn’t expect much to change with Craig Breslow leading the front office.

When the Red Sox hired Breslow in October, all signs appeared to point toward a welcome change in organizational philosophy. Breslow spoke candidly about acquiring high-end MLB talent and cited ownership’s “unwavering commitment to winning.” In a statement that has since been mocked mercilessly by the fanbase, chairman Tom Werner vowed the Red Sox would go “full throttle” in their quest to assemble a competitive roster for 2024.

Three months later, amid another lackluster Red Sox offseason, questions remain about ownership’s commitment to building a contender. Breslow addressed those questions in a conversation with Pete Abraham of The Boston Globe.

“As I’ve gotten to know this organization better through the conversations I’ve had with ownership, they absolutely are still supportive of assembling a World Series team as quickly as we possibly can,” Breslow told Abraham. “But I think the reality is that it’s going to require a step forward from the young position players. It’s going to require the build-out of a talent pipeline of arms that we can acquire, we draft, and we can develop internally.”

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