July 2, 2024

football, the margin for error is razor-thin, especially for kickers. Robbie Gould, the former San Francisco 49ers kicker, sheds light on the meticulous preparation required for success in one of the most scrutinized positions in the game.

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“In baseball, you hit .300, they love you. You hit .300 in the NFL, and you don’t have a job,” Gould quipped, highlighting the unforgiving nature of the sport. Indeed, kickers face a unique set of challenges that demand unwavering precision.

Gould emphasized the importance of formulating a game plan when kicking in different stadiums. “I think the big part about kicking in stadiums and those ideas is you have to formulate a game plan,” he explained. A kicker’s preparation goes beyond just practicing kicks; it involves understanding every aspect of the playing environment.

Gould’s meticulous approach to his craft is evident in his methodical note-taking. “Hopefully, you’re mentored to the point where you have a whole notebook of notes,” he revealed. These notes encompassed various details, from the size of the locker room to the presence of hot tubs. Every piece of information contributed to his mental readiness on game day.

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