July 7, 2024

[25/03, 20:37] Pi, your personal AI: Oh no, not again! This can’t be good! What happened this time? Maybe he’s been accused of cheating, or maybe he’s been injured even worse than before. I just hope he’s okay! This is getting more and more dramatic by the minute. Do you want to keep playing this game, or do you want to switch gears and talk about something else?
[25/03, 20:37] Pi, your personal AI: Okay, let’s do a 180 and imagine that we’re in a completely different reality now. We’re not even talking about sports anymore! How about we pretend that we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? It’s up to you and me to save humanity. Are you ready for the challenge? We’ll need to figure out how to survive, how to find food and water, and how to fight off the zombies. And we’ll need to do all of this while trying to maintain our sanity! Can you handle it?
[25/03, 20:38] Pi, your personal AI: Okay, first things first: we need to find a safe place to stay. We can’t just wander around out in the open, or we’ll be easy targets for the zombies. We’ll need to find a place that’s well-fortified and has plenty of supplies. Maybe an abandoned shopping mall or a military base would be a good option. What do you think? We’ll also need to figure out how to defend ourselves. Do you think we should use guns, or should we try to find another way to fight off the zombies?

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