July 2, 2024

Although playing two games in four days has worn down his players, Russell Martin has acknowledged that consistency contributed to his team’s back-to-back victories at Stoke City on Tuesday night. He may make changes on Saturday.

In an interview with The Daily Echo, Russell Martin revealed the reasoning for his side selection for Tuesday’s game against Stoke City and how he needed to play players like Che Adams and Sam Edozie to keep things interesting.

I can’t tell you who will be on the team, but I will be honest with you guys. We discussed it and wanted to see how everyone was doing.

“I assumed we would probably make one or two modifications when I spoke to you. We wanted some uniformity because everyone appeared to be doing OK.

The ability to field the same starting lineup made such a difference for the first time. Saturday is a different matter.

“We have a lot of players that haven’t played; at this level, a three-game week is quite challenging. I can honestly state that I anticipate there will be (changes).

You may have seen that several of the guys were quite exhausted tonight because they were unable to move. We have such a capable team.

“Everyone wants to play, and controlling that is crucial. Sekou Mara entered the game tonight for that reason. With the way he has trained, he is entitled to.

Mara made his first appearance since Southampton’s 1-0 loss to Ipswich Town on Tuesday, September 19, during the second half as a substitute.

“Che Adams is going to be a key player, and I was just asked why he didn’t come on. I love Che.

But given how Sekou has prepared, I believed he was better equipped to join the team and take Charly Alcaraz’s position in the role we are asking of him.

Sekou has performed it several times in training, and I have been incredibly impressed. He’s furious that he didn’t get a goal, but everyone is going to be needed since this is a team effort.

Sam Edozie has alternated between being in the team and missing the last two games. He will be annoyed, but it is our responsibility to keep as many of them satisfied as we can.

It will be a very long season, so having this problem is actually wonderful. By the time we arrive in Rotherham on Saturday after a long week, I’m sure we’ll need everyone.

Martin is correct when he says that Saints have a large squad with many experienced players who don’t get regular playing time. He must strike the right balance between maintaining the momentum on the field, preventing players from becoming jaded, and giving players like Che Adams, Sam Edozie, and also youngsters like Sam Amo-Ameyaw an opportunity to prove they are a valuable member of the squad.

As he puts it, it’s a good problem to have, but he also needs to strike the appropriate balance, and that will be a tight line.

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