July 8, 2024

Mike McCarthy needs to get more aggressive in the middle of the field.

Life is stress-free for the Dallas Cowboys, and therefore all of us, this week with America’s Team on their bye. The Cowboys have a 4-2 record to show for all of their hard work to this point, and while that is better than a lot of other records, the how of how they got here has left some fans wanting more.

Getting more specific, the Cowboys have struggled to shine on the offensive side of the ball for basically all of their six weeks of play. The defense has had moments of mortality but for the most part lived up to the preseason billing.

Ultimately this is a game where the team who scores the most points wins, and as long as those are the rules the Cowboys are going to need to make sure that they are doing all of they can to improve in that department.

Mike McCarthy ought to let Dak Prescott work the middle of the field more

The genesis for the discussion that we are having hear today came from friend of BTB, NFL Network’s Jane Slater.

Jane was on the Around The NFL podcast recapping the Monday night win over the Chargers and as the discussion hovered from the game itself to the Cowboys as a whole, the lack of offensive firepower took center stage. Slater brought up something interesting – whether or not the way that Mike McCarthy is calling plays is geared towards mitigating the damage from interceptions given how many Dak Prescott threw last year.

“I reached out to somebody and I’ve asked them if some of this play-calling lately… is it a concerted effort to eliminate some of the interceptions last year. They didn’t want to comment on that. It was sort of one of those ‘No, that’s not the case, blah blah blah,’ but for all of us watching it we can’t help but ask that question. I think it’s a fair question.”

While some of it was in a national-media-going-over-the-top sort of way, Dak’s interceptions were obviously one of the bigger talking points around what the Cowboys did (and did not do) in 2022. We can (and have done so) properly “excuse” some of them on this, that or the other, but at the end of the day they happened.

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