June 28, 2024

Two Kentucky cities, two approaches to recruiting and retaining police.

On Tuesday, the Louisville Metro police chief and Lexington police chief discussed their successes, setbacks and challenges with state legislators.

Louisville and Lexington police chiefs told lawmakers Tuesday they are competing with other public safety agencies to retain officers.

Lexington police officers are leaving for higher pay and better benefits, Lexington Police Department Chief Lawrence Weathers told the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government on Tuesday.

“One of the biggest challenges Lexington Police Department has encountered is staffing,” he said.

To combat the shortage, Weathers said the police department is providing more mental health resources to its officers and recruiting more new officers.

In Louisville, Acting Chief Paul Humphrey says they are increasing officer pay and access mental and physical health resources to increase retention.

“If we expect to put out a quality product, we have to pay people at a quality rate,” Humphrey told lawmakers Tuesday.

The Lexington Police Department

Weathers told the committee the city is seeing a decrease in violent crime, but they still don’t have enough officers to properly staff the police force.

According to reporting from the Lexington-Herald Leader, the Lexington Police Department experienced the largest officer shortage in 2021. The department was 104 officers short. Last year, the department had 87 vacant positions, according to a report from WKYT.

Now, Weathers said the Lexington Department is seeing an increase in officer applications. This year’s recruitment program is expected to have more than 1,000 applicants, Weathers said on Tuesday.

The Lexington Police Department

Weathers told the committee the city is seeing a decrease in violent crime, but they still don’t have enough officers to properly staff the police force.

According to reporting from the Lexington-Herald Leader, the Lexington Police Department experienced the largest officer shortage in 2021. The department was 104 officers short. Last year, the department had 87 vacant positions, according to a report from WKYT.

Now, Weathers said the Lexington Department is seeing an increase in officer applications. This year’s recruitment program is expected to have more than 1,000 applicants, Weathers said on Tuesday.

The Lexington Police Department credited state legislators for helping increase overall recruitment. Last year, state legislators passed SB 89, allowing the Lexington Police Department to rehire retired officers for a one-year term with retirement and health benefits. The Kentucky House also passed HB 380, which allows 20-year-old Kentuckians to be hired in law enforcement as long as they will turn 21 by the time they finish basic training.

While recruitment numbers increase, Weathers said the officer shortage is in part due to a lack of retention. Lexington Police officers are leaving the department for better benefits including mental health resources, more personal time off and other financial incentives, he said.

“We’re also competing with [public safety agencies and] private entities that offer competitive salaries, and less public scrutiny and safer working conditions,” Weathers said. “Over the past several years, we have experienced other public safety agencies recruiting officers with 20 plus years of experience, taking away personnel with vast amounts of knowledge and experience.”

To combat the lack of retention, Weathers said the department has hired a full-time mental health professional that serves all police department employees.

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