July 2, 2024

Detroit Lions quarterback Jared Goff has hit back at the local media in Detroit over their coverage of the NFL, claiming he’s fed up with the negative spin he believes his team is subjected to.

In a recent chat on Willbo’s “Trading Cards” podcast, Goff voiced his frustration with what he perceives as a bias in the local Detroit press towards promoting negative stories about the Lions.

“I have this like, I probably need to drop it pretty soon here because I’m hopefully gonna be in Detroit for a long time, but I have this thing with our local media where they almost like relish in negativity at times,” he said. “And maybe that’s what gets clicks and that’s what sells, but it’s no longer what they need to live in.”

“Like, hey guys, we have a good team,” he continued. “We’ve had success. We can be happy about that, we can celebrate that and not have to write about how we’re constantly the underdog. No, teams are gonna be gunning for us now. We won the division and all that. I’m probably overthinking it in my head and it’s the chip on my shoulder and the competitor in me.”

The Lions have seen significant improvements each season since Goff joined the team via a trade with the Los Angeles Rams back in 2021. After finishing 3-13-1 that year, Detroit improved to 9-8 in 2022 and narrowly missed out on the playoffs.

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