June 28, 2024

Panthers chief executive Brian Fletcher has categorically shut down suggestions that triple premiership star Jarome Luai will be playing for the Wests Tigers in 2024. Fletcher told 9News Sydney that “under no circumstances” will Luai be playing in any colours other than the Panthers’ next season, despite an announcement from the Tigers looming. Luai has reportedly been offered a $6 million five-year deal to join the Tigers, but is still contracted to the Panthers until 2026.

“We haven’t released any players before and under no circumstances will Jarome be going anywhere for ’24. “After that, we just wish him and his family all the best.” When questioned on the validity of the possible deal, Fletcher turned his attention to the Panthers’ push for a fourth flag in as many years, with the expectation that Luai will be part of yet another premiership side.

“All the speculation’s rubbish. He’ll be playing for Panthers. Hopefully we’ll be going on to try and win another premiership with him,” Fletcher said. Despite doubling down on his importance for Penrith, Fletcher expressed his excitement for the 26-year-old, noting a deal as big as the Tigers’ would be life-changing for Luai and his young family. “We’re very happy for him because he’s secured a massive contract and a long term contract, which is good. He’s got the blessing of the club,” Fletcher said.

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