In a recent development, Brendan Rodgers has publicly addressed the ongoing impasse between Celtic Football Club and the Green Brigade, as the team prepares for another game without the presence of this influential ultras group.

The suspension of the Green Brigade, which has now lasted nearly a month, has created a tense atmosphere both publicly and behind the scenes, with little evidence of productive dialogue. The core of the dispute lies in the differing perspectives of both parties: the Green Brigade claims their punishment stems from their political expressions, particularly regarding Palestine, whereas the club insists it is a consequence of misconduct by some members, including the use of pyrotechnics that has repeatedly resulted in UEFA fines for Celtic.

Rodgers, whose primary role is to manage the team, has not hesitated to offer his insights on the situation and the political dynamics introduced by the group at Celtic Park. Speaking to RecordSport, Rodgers emphasised the importance of the club’s core values: respect and integrity. “It’s all about values. It’s the bigger picture, the values of this club, which are all about respect, integrity and everything else. That far outreaches anything else, and if those values are compromised in any way, then we, the club, will look at that,”

Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers acknowledges the fans after the match Action Images via Reuters/Jason Cairnduff

Rodgers also highlighted the necessity of upholding these values, regardless of the impact on the stadium’s atmosphere. He expressed his hope for a resolution, reiterating his stance on the non-political nature of football and the primary purpose of supporting the team.

“If someone, or people, are deemed to have misbehaved, you just can’t go along and accept that just because it makes the atmosphere better. We all live to certain values, and I hope we can find a solution to it because, as I said, I think the fans have created a really good atmosphere.

“My own personal view is that it’s not a political arena. Football is football, and you come to support the team, and enjoy the team playing. Especially when we play like we did against Aberdeen, and we are scoring.

Hopefully we can get a resolution to that, but in the meantime, we will continue to do what we are doing, which is just staying very focused.”

The resolution of this conflict hinges on a critical dialogue between the Green Brigade and the Celtic hierarchy. If the club’s stance is genuine and not centered on the Palestine issue, then the display of the Palestine flag should remain permissible. However, the Green Brigade must critically reflect on their use of pyrotechnics and certain behaviors within their ranks. Denying wrongdoing or justifying certain actions due to political beliefs does not align with the principles of accountability and respect.

As fans and supporters of Celtic, the hope is for both parties to come together, address their differences, and find a path forward, allowing everyone to return to their shared passion for supporting Celtic.