June 28, 2024

Patrick Cripps’ message to the Carlton members and supporters was a popular one.

INSPIRE the next generation.

It’s been a constant theme for Patrick Cripps and this Carlton team in 2023. After generations of hurt, the desire to put smiles on faces in the stands has never been more of a focus.

And the inspirational captain wants that to go to another level next year.

Speaking to a room of over 1,400 Carlton people at the John Nicholls Medal (with thousands more watching on at home), Cripps took the chance in his captain’s address to single out the fans.

And, in the process, he’s already laid down a challenge for the record-breaking membership base for when the team returns next season.

“I want to pay a special mention to our members and supporters out there. We feel your passion and energy, and although at times throughout the year it was really challenging, we felt what it feels like when the Carlton army shows up in numbers in games.

“Your energy is contagious, your support is contagious, and the louder you cheer and the more passion you cheer with helps up massively out on the field. As the slogan on the shirt in the finals said, we are Stronger Together.

“I’m going to throw a challenge to every Carlton member and supporter out there for next year. Wear your Navy Blue with pride. Wear it everywhere. When it comes to games, I want you to bring your friends, your families, your kids and let’s pack out the MCG, Marvel and any ground across the country for every game we can.

“When we have away games, let’s turn them into home games. We want to hear you louder than ever before.

“I can’t predict the future, but what I will say is we’ll play a brand that will excite you, that will bring joy, that will make you proud for the whole 2024 season.

“As a whole club, let’s continue to commit to being Stronger Together. Enjoy this journey as much as we can, because that’s what footy is all about.”


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