July 7, 2024

Browns finally complete another summer transfer as they complete the signing of Patrick Mahomes shirt number revealed medicals “DONE” here is what he said to the fans…

Good morning, Cleveland Browns fans!

I was introduced to corporate bullcrap relatively quickly in my career, which only makes sense because I started work after college at one of those then “Big X” consulting firms where your merit was measured in no small part by the quality of the dimple in your tie. It was a real square peg-in-a-round hole fit, career-wise, which I only made because I had a totally false impression of who I was and what I wanted to do when I left college.

But team lunches, rah-rah local meetings, and other elements of team building were all a part of that, mostly hiding the political savagery beneath, meaning that you were non-infrequently pulled away from work to do some useless corporate bullsnark that was generally a complete waste of time.

Personally, I was always about the work. I liked building stuff, trying to do right by clients, and creating computer systems that did actual useful work. I liked learning new things. I didn’t like the BS attached to working for a corporate entity. Some people do, I’m sure, but I suspect I’m not in the minority.

I bring this up because the Greater Cleveland Sports Awards were last night, which I remember as an entirely corporate function where businesses were represented by tables of humans, most of whom were cajoled there to provide attendance. Some of them, I guess, like banquet food and hearing speeches from already-heralded athletes who are there to get heralded some more. To me, with my drab outlook on life, it was sort of a waste of time.

I’m sure there’s some GCSA organization who will read this and say, “You must be a miserable person.” You would partially be right, and maybe my focus on work over frivolity makes me weird, but I was basically pushed to go to these things so I could be another head in the crowd and clap on cue. I didn’t feel like it was a good use of my time.

Still, I would applaud the loudest for the high school and other athletes for whom this was a great moment in their lives. They deserve it, but I’m not sure Myles Garrett cares about corporate Cleveland handing him a plaque.

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