July 3, 2024

After a round, golfers have a tendency to overstate things. For example, a 320-yard drive becomes a 415-yard drive, and a ball that lands on the green becomes almost a hole-in-one. This particular golfer attempted to assert that a hawk was pursuing him. Sadly, the entire episode was being recorded by someone.

My husband was looking for his ball and got attacked by this hawk,” the caption reads. Hmmmm, that’s quite the claim.

We’re certainly not saying this isn’t a scary ordeal, but if that’s a hawk, I’m on the PGA Tour. The “oh my god, bro” as a bird chases after is just good old-fashioned content, and it looks like this unfortunate golfer survived this feathered run-in. So now, we’re in the clear to say that this is all very funny.

Instead of a hawk, it does appear that we have a red-winged blackbird on our hands, notorious for protecting their territory by any means necessary … as you can so clearly see. It’s become so prevalent that we even have accompanying memes now. That’s when you know things are real.

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