June 30, 2024

The entire administration is mishandling incidents, like arresting the number 1 golfer in the world, and therefore continuing to taint Metro Louisville’s image to the rest of the world.

Initially, I thought the LMPD police chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel was going to be the fresh air and open window toward transparency in the community. But I believe now that was a huge mistake. The entire administration is mishandling incidents, like arresting the number 1 golfer in the world, and therefore continuing to taint Metro Louisville’s image to the rest of the world.

—Ken Dicken, 40241

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LMPD Chief has proven integrity issues

The current Chief should have never been hired due to the suspension in Atlanta. That is a comment on her integrity, and this was proven again when she lied about her body cam after the wreck.

Mayor Greenberg is to blame, he should have opened the position of Chief with full transparency to the public he serves. I am pretty sure he passed on more qualified candidates, but the current chief checked all the DEI boxes. We need true, proven leaders in Public Service, not figure heads or “yes” men/women. You get what you vote for!

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