July 3, 2024

Just a week after getting dealt to the Jaguars by the Minnesota Vikings, the 25-year-old lineman shared he never saw it coming.

Cleveland told the USA Today,

“It was definitely a surprise. My agent called me a little bit before it happened and let me know. I had no idea.”

He also said,

“I feel like anyone who was in that situation, they’d feel that way. But that’s just the NFL. It’s a new team, I’ve got to learn everybody’s names and get to know them. The o-line’s been great so far, I’m excited to play with them.”

As for his new team, Jacksonville, Cleveland is joining a team that has already won five straight games and is two games up in the AFC South standings.

Talking about his new teammate, Cleveland said,

“Everyone here is in a really good mood, and everyone’s been really nice. I can’t tell if that’s from being 6-2, or I’m sure it’s because of the sunny weather. I haven’t been in a place with a bunch of sunny weather. But everyone’s been really nice, it’s exciting to come into a contender and hopefully, I can help them out.”

He also added,

“If they want me to play, then I’ll play. If I’m a backup, I’ll be a backup. I’m here to support the guys, get to know them, learn the offense the best I can, and I’ll be ready when my number is called. I think I got the playbook down, pretty much.”

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