June 30, 2024

Leeds United have sacked head coach after less than a year in charge amid long-term concerns from the club’s owners over the American’s reign.

Marsch was summonsed to a crisis meeting at the club’s Thorp Arch training centre on Monday morning, along with chief executive Angus Kinnear and sporting director Victor Orta, where he was informed of the decision to dispense with his services.

Marsch was understood to be visibly shaken by the news that he was no longer in charge – and was immediately consoled by Kinnear and Orta.

But the club’s ownership – led by majority shareholder Andrea Radrizzani – have long held reservations about the 49-year-old’s suitability as Leeds boss.

It is understood, the Spaniard, who was considered for the recently vacant Everton job, would give serious consideration to a return to Leeds, where he was Under-23’s coach between 2017 and 2020.

However, there is a feeling the club, primarily Orta and vice-chairman Paraag Marathe, will look to explore other options before making a decision on the identity of their preferred candidate.

Sources were indicating on Monday that Marsch would have been dismissed far earlier had it not been for the unequivocal backing of Orta, who led his appointment following the decision to sack Marcelo Bielsa last February.

Indeed, the recent appointment of American coach Chris Armas to Marsch’s coaching team was seen as a show of support to the under-pressure boss.

But Sunday’s loss to Nottingham Forest was the final straw for Leeds’ owners, who have grown increasingly concerned about the team’s alarming slide towards relegation.

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