July 6, 2024

Novak Djokovic’s wife Jelena recently expressed her heartbreak over the death of Padma Rajan, a big fan of her husband.

Rajan has been a staunch supporter of the Serb great since the beginning, cheering him on in matches and supporting him even during defeats. She even started a petition to allow him to compete in the 2022 US Open, which received over 43,000 signatures.

Unfortunately, he passed away at the age of 61. Rajan was reportedly fighting a rare and rapidly progressive chronic lung disease.

In light of this, Jelena took to Twitter to express her emotions. She recalled a beautiful moment between her and Padma Rajan when they both met and shared a hug.

Jelena then expressed her condolences to Padma Rajan’s family and children, adding that the Novak Djokovic Foundation is grateful for her support over the years.

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