July 7, 2024

Indianapolis Colts rookie cornerback JuJu Brents may be ‘giving’ a little more than he ideally would like to this holiday season, as the league recently fined him $8,280 for his big hit against Pittsburgh Steelers running back Najee Harris last weekend—which he rightfully isn’t pleased about:

Honestly, I’ve rewatched the replay several times, and I’m not sure what the league is exactly taking issue with regarding this physical, textbook tackle against an oversized 6’1,” 242 pound Steelers running back. If Brents takes it easy on that tackle—and lets up, he may conversely end up on his backside and allow a big play in the running game. The Colts absolutely want their cornerbacks to always hit like that, as willing and physical tacklers against the run.

He didn’t pick Harris up only to body slam him into the turf and deliver all of his weight on him in the process. He lowered his shoulder and hit him hard, knocking the bruising back off his feet. That’s football? If that type of hit is ‘unnecessarily rough,’ than former Colts’ defensive player of the year Bob ‘The Hitman’ Sanders probably doesn’t have a real place in today’s league—without losing his life’s savings. If there’s a way for the Colts to legally pay the fine on the rookie’s behalf, they really should consider it. Keep in mind though, Brents can still theoretically appeal it, but to what end exactly?

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