July 2, 2024

We’ve lost a long-time friend of the site.

Today, I am saddened to bring you a significant loss to the Minnesota Vikings fan community and, more specifically, for our community here at The Daily Norseman.

Scott Backstrom, who many of you know as Admiral BigGun here on our site, has passed away.

Scott has been a part of the site for pretty much as long as this site has been around. In recent years, he had posted an annual call for support for his Polar Plunge to raise money for Special Olympics Minnesota. Thanks to the generosity of our readers, Scott raised thousands of dollars that went to the benefit of those athletes around the state of Minnesota.

Scott was also well-known for his tailgate recipes and even had his own site dedicated to tailgating, Tailgate Master. He was a great member of our community and will be greatly missed.

If we get any sort of word on how the Backstrom family would like everyone to pay tribute to Scott’s memory, we will pass it along to you here.

Rest in peace, Scott, and may Valhalla provide you with peace and abundance.

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