June 30, 2024

Lions’ rookie watch Christian Mahogany squandered no time grasping ‘dirtbag’ name

The Detroit Lions have a certain fashion of player they search for within the NFL Draft, and 2024 spoken to another effective year in landing that prime example.

Sturdiness and physicality are imperative for the Lions, and prospects Brad Holmes considers must have those characteristics over all else in the event that they are to create it in Detroit. This year, the Lions have landed another lesson that appears to epitomize that mindset.

Sixth-round choice Christian Mahogany, a watch out of Boston College, slipped down the board to choose No. 210. Whereas Holmes wasn’t willing to offer a particular clarification of why the tumble took put, he was cheerful to share what he cherished approximately Mahogany’s amusement.

“I fair know that he fits how we need to play and he’s a intense, physical (player). He’s got a few dirtbag in him and he’s fair one of those intense Modern Shirt kids that doesn’t take a part of poo. He’s got a few fun tape to observe and he’s gone against a few great cautious linemen and he’s bowed well versus them, so we were energized to get him.”

In 2023 Mahogany begun each diversion for Boston College at right protect, and was thought to be a potential middle-round selection in the draft. Instep he slipped down the board into the holding up arms of Holmes, who snapped him up to fill an self-evident require within the center of Detroit’s hostile line.

Christian Mahogany immediately embraces dirtbag name with Detroit Lions

To a few, being called a dirtbag would be an offended. To Mahogany, it was a term of charm ahead and something to be celebrated.

Right after Holmes’ press conference, Mahogany had a chance to reply to the name he was given. As he clarified to columnists, counting Nolan Bianchi of the Detroit News, he’s happy that his durability was able to sparkle through on tape.

Christian Mahogany on being called a “dirtbag” by Brad Holmes

“It’s something that I truly pride myself on and I’m fair happy Mr. Holmes saw it, as well as coach Campbell and everybody else.”

As on the off chance that that wasn’t sufficient. Mahogany took another step to demonstrate that he’s prepared to up the name. By the conclusion of the end of the week, Mahogany had as of now changed his title on X to reflect his modern moniker.

The Lions seek players who keep up a coarse mentality 24-7, and Mahogany looks like another case of that. He comes to town prepared to live the nickname that has been affectionately presented upon him.

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