June 28, 2024

Brayden George has undergone surgery after his latest injury blow

George suffered the injury during an off-season training session while in his home town on Wangaratta in country Victoria.

George, who was rated as a potential first-round draft pick in his under-18 season of 2022, slid to No.26 after rupturing his ACL during his draft year.

He missed the entire 2023 season but was cleared for full training in August.

North football boss Todd Viney said it was a disappointing setback for George, who shapes as a powerful medium-sized forward.

“Brayden has shown tremendous strength of character and resilience during his ACL rehab this year and we know he will attack this injury with the same attitude.

“While this will obviously impact his pre-season, we expect Brayden to be back running soon with the aim to return to full unrestricted training in approximately 12 weeks. We don’t expect the injury to impact his availability for the upcoming season.”

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