June 28, 2024

Over the final month before the NBA Trade Deadline, there may not be a bigger name in the news cycle than Pascal Siakam. Based on the recent reporting, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that Siakam is going to be traded by the deadline. With the Sacramento Kings pulling out of trade talks, just when it seemed as if their talks with the Toronto Raptors were getting serious, it seems that the market for Siakam is wide open once again.

That could open the door for a “wild horse” team like the Warriors, who reportedly have an interest in Siakam, to swoop in. If that’s going to happen, it’s going to take a creative offer from the Warriors to get a deal done. We explore a few possibilities for the Warriors heading into the final few weeks before the NBA Trade Deadline.

In this first feeling-out offer, the Golden State Warriors are likely going to be willing to build a package around Andrew Wiggins. How that will be received by the Toronto Raptors remains to be seen. With how inconsistent he’s been this season, it’s hard to predict where Wiggins’ trade value stands around the league. However, he may not be a great fit on the team after they already added RJ Barrett. Nevertheless, that’s something Toronto can figure out.

The Warriors could also include two young players in desperate need of a fresh start in Jonathan Kuminga and Moses Moody. Again, who knows how those two players are valued on the open market at the moment? At this point, it’s anyone’s guess. But this is a deal that could get the conversation going.

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