July 3, 2024

Pretty in Pink thoughts…


-we knew the prom dress was gonna be some mess with this sketch.


-I know they wanted Andie to be totally different but her style was so vintage and this was a potato sack, no shape. You know, the shoulders aren’t horrible but that bottom. Yikes.


-I know why the wig but why THAT wig for Andrew McCarthy?


Edited: because this sentence is not connecting with some of you. I know why he had to wear a wig, but that wig is terrible.


-I always thought Duckie was way, way, way, cuter than Blaine. He was my vibe.


-At 50, I feel Andie should have left prom single. Duckie was her friend, Blaine didn’t deserve her. Let her find a cute left of center dude at prom and run off into the sunset. Some Kind of Wonderful got the dynamic better.

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